Thursday, July 2, 2009

NadaDada was fabulous!

Five days of art, parties, people, the New York Times ( and fun. NadaDada Motel was in the media everywhere. It was amazing. The artist were amazing. And the people who showed up to look at the art were full of fun and great questions. Many artist sold their work, others gave away pages of books to color. One of the rooms everyone was talking about, the Sugar Room, was an experience all it's own. Many felt strange, but the kids loved it. There were room that were not for the kids - the room of a 1,000 dildos. Yeah, that was funny and many people were hanging out their playing games like dildo golf and dildo chess - there was bed made out of vibrating dildos. It was interesting. And then the Mud People were there - they had a room but it was a sight to see them outside, moving slowly to their own rhythm constructing a sculpture made from sticks and twigs. There was Cindy Gunn's room full of ceramic sea anemones. Here are some images of my room, Patty Atcheson Melton's room and Adrian Kershaw's room. Adrian and I partied and hung out in her room, because mine was too dark with the black lights. It was huge this year!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The final piece is done...The Spider.

I finished the spider last night. Norm has been working all day on the display stands. What would I do without him. He is such a wonderful husband - so supportive, always there for me. So, amongst the swearing and cursing today after he finished - he found that he had miscalculated and was a foot off on two of the walls - so he had to cut and redo two sides. He is putting the finishing touches on - seeing how they will come together. Now we will have to unscrew and break down the stands - put them in bundles so we can reset them at the El Cortez. I figure it will take me a couple of days just to put the displays together, put the work up and figure out the lighting. Hopefully, it will all come together without too much more swearing or cursing. So, here is the spider. I didn't post the dragonfly - not that I wasn't happy with it - I just had to get this one done - so time was a factor, and now it's put away until it is hung. Don't forget to get your NadaDada on at the El Cortez Hotel June 18-21! An art event you will never forget.

Monday, June 8, 2009

NadaDada is almost here!

I am getting so excited. I have the 6th and final piece for the show behind me - The Spider. My biggest fear. It's so big. So, I will start painting it tomorrow. My husband, Norm is helping with the display. He is making it in our garage. We are going to set up walls which will be lined with black felt. The room will be lit with the black lights over each piece. We aren't sure how it is going to all go together but we will have 3 days to figure it all out. I will post again when my picture is finished.
Get your NadaDada on June 18 -21 Downtown Reno at the El Cortez and the TownHouse MotorLodge. It will be an art experience you will never forget.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The bee is buzzing...

Well, the fourth piece to my series is almost complete - I have two more planned. I hope to finish them both soon. Then I have to start working on the display for Nadadada Motel. That is going to be the challenge. I kind of know what I am doing but not completely. I hope I can get the desired room lighting. Busy, busy, busy... Enjoy the garden.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Finished with #3

The show is getting closer - only a few weeks away. June 16-20th. So, I am trying to race to finish two more pieces. Hopefully, I will have  one more finished by next week. Here is the butterfly or moth - whichever you prefer. Nadadada - here I come. My room is #208 in the El Cortez and the name of my show will be Visions Under the Black of Light. Yeah, that's it - I like that. So, now on to the next painting. Enjoy!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Finally finished with #2.

I have been busy - but need to get all the pieces done for Nadadada Motel. I got my room yesterday. Room 208 at the El Cortez - it is the same room I had last year. I wasn't expecting that, but it is the darkest room on the 2nd floor and that I need. Plus, it has a party balcony (not officially) but it was fun last year crawling out through the window. Anyway, here is the final Humming bird piece - the photo doesn't do it justice. It looks cool under the black light. I am excited to get to #3. Have a great day - create - enjoy!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Made more progress.

Today I was able to add some details to the flower. It has more movement and color now. It's not done - but the direction is apparent. I know where it is going. Now I just have to decide on the back drop - or background of the piece. I always work backwards. Using black paper everything is the opposite of white. You start with the darker colors and then move to the lighter ones. It's easier to change the darker colors, once you start laying on the lighter colors - you can't go back. I always learned to paint the entire composition first - but somehow as a designer - I always stick the major images first -where I want your eye to go to - then I finish the other things that I want you to find, but not distract from the purpose of the picture. 

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Finally began my new painting

Today after both me and my son were feeling better and I have all of my client's needs taken care of, I was able to start my new picture. I have been reading a new book on a new spirituality, which has taken me to a new level in my art. I feel much more confident in expressing myself. Plus, I have bee taking a class in public speaking and my teacher has helped me in this too. He is amazing - Joe Giampapa - it has been fantastic taking his class. I feel like a new person - not so down on me. I am much more positive and as Joe would say - I am unique, the only one of me - so that makes my art work the only of it's kind in the world. So, enjoy it! Here is the start of my new picture.

Have a great day - I did!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The first one is done.

The first picture of the series is complete - I think. There may be some tweaks along the way - but for the most part it is finished. I hope when the series is done it will have the affect I am looking for. I learned a lot on this first picture of the series on what to use and not use for reflective lighting. It is strange to have such a limited pallet. I think if I do cross hatching marks I can achieve more variety of colors on the the light source I am going to use. Plus, the other night friends were over and help come up with some other solutions for the show. I am looking forward to NadaDada for this experience. There are not many galleries where I could show my work as I plan to do. So, hopefully - I will get the look and the feel I am seeing in my head.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

No Progress - still not finished.

I haven't been feeling very well for a couple of days. Headache, chills and coughing - yuck! Plus, I have been getting my taxes ready. I need to rest just for tonight - maybe tomorrow I will finish the piece. I wish I could do it now, but when you feel like crap it usually shows in your fine art. So, hopefully I will feel better tomorrow. 

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Almost Finished!

It is a cloudy (maybe snowy) day and I have switched gears from tax preparation to my fine art. My picture was staring me down, saying I need you - finish me. So, I turned around and made some strokes with oil paint sticks and finished the little lady bug. Yeah, it's a little too cute for me - you really can't evil up a lady bug - but it's there chewing on a rose leaf. Maybe that helps that it is chewing or just plotting to jump and fly away. I don't know why I put it in there, but it's there and it's not going away. I have only the bottom of the picture to finish - I think I will put the river in it. I need to find my one of my pictures I shot and kind of follow that. That will be my next task, hopefully, I will get to it tonight. If not, you will see it in the next new blog.  

Monday, February 2, 2009

A Day of Design - Graphic Design

Today I spent most of my day working for my business - no time for my picture waiting behind me. I want to finish it desperately but between the two, now three jobs (one going to the printer) - and the kids, plus I feel like I am getting a cold. I feel run-down and tired. I just can't get into the mood for my fine art. It is almost finished - maybe one or two more hours and it will be done, then on to the next one. I have some great ideas for the next composition. I think it will be horizontal - I need to first make some sketches of the piece. I think the flower will be yellow but I am not sure if I am going to stick to the rose theme or wonder off with a lily or maybe a sunflower. Should I change the movement of the pieces now? I am not sure - when I started the rose theme it was supposed to be more about movement and depth less about the flower - I want to keep it about movement - but I am adding light as a factor on this series. I will be showing them with several different light sources. It is working - but it is not as easy as I had hoped. There aren't many colors that come in neon. It is a very limited pallet. Hopefully, tomorrow I will finish.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Starting my series for NadaDada Motel 2009

Hi, I am starting this blog not knowing where it will end up or how often I will write. But for now, for today this is what I am up to.

I participated in the Nada Motel last year. It was my first time to be in the event and it had been a long time since I had been in any fine art show. It was an amazing experience. I know my showing was small and maybe not my best art - but I was in it and working during the show. What that did for me was got me excited to do my fine art again. I received my BA in fine art painting and drawing from the University of Nevada, Reno in 1994. Since then I have worked on my professional career as a graphic designer. That adventure has taken me to many jobs, some good, some horrible but I learned a lot at each one. My last official place of employment was the Nevada Commission on Tourism. I started there a couple day after 9/11 and at the time worked for Nevada Magazine as a graphic designer specifically assigned to design the visitors guide for tourism. After two years at the magazine, I was offered the position of art director for tourism. I worked in that position for four years. I enjoyed it, but really hated the commute, being away from my kids and the lack of creativity. In the end, I couldn't wait to leave. When I was given the opportunity, I took it and ran. For about a year and a half I have opened my own business and began creating fine art pieces once again. Although, money has been much tighter and life is much slower - I am enjoying my life as a creative thinker once again.

This blog is going to be about my journey through the creative process, triumphs, failures and struggles of my fine art shows. I am excited to embark on this familiar path which I have let become numb and soulless for many years. I may not be the most gifted artist in the world, but my work has always been a part of me. It has always been my soul and my feelings, it's what has made me whole. I am in need of enlightenment and inner strength and I hope I can find it once again.